The time is now Thursday, May 16th, 2024 12:47:33am (/usr/bin/env DISPLAY=:1 PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE=1 PLTUSERHOME=/home/root//user PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE=1 CI=true PLTSTDERR=debug@pkg error PLT_INFO_ALLOW_VARS=;PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE PLTCOMPILEDROOTS=/home/root//zo: /usr/bin/xvfb-run -n 1 /bin/sh -c cd "/home/root/"/racket && bin/racket -MCR "/home/root/"/zo: -l- raco pkg install --jobs 2 -u --auto semver && bin/racket -MCR "/home/root/"/zo: -l- raco test --jobs 2 --drdr --package semver) Resolved "semver" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "5ce1baa9f5393d6c9552697f93d7a574d9469d06") (dependencies . (("base") ("typed-racket-lib") ("alexis-util") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("typed-racket-doc") ("typed-racket-more"))) (description . "An implementation of the semver (semantic versioning) specification") (modules . ((lib "semver/scribblings/semver.scrbl") (lib "semver/main.rkt"))) (name . "semver") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) Resolved "alexis-util" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "c2e4fbfe15c74573dc3445bd13a65d41e439ed09") (dependencies . (("base") ("match-plus") ("scribble-lib") ("static-rename") ("threading") ("typed-racket-lib") ("rackunit-lib") ("at-exp-lib") ("racket-doc") ("typed-racket-doc") ("sandbox-lib"))) (description . "Various utilities and helper functions I've found useful") (modules . ((lib "alexis/scribblings/alexis-util-untyped.scrbl") (lib "typed/alexis/util/comparator.rkt") (lib "alexis/util/struct.rkt") (lib "alexis/util/abbreviations.rkt") (lib "typed/alexis/bool.rkt") (lib "alexis/util/renamed.rkt") (lib "alexis/private/test/comparator.rkt") (lib "alexis/util/match.rkt") (lib "alexis/scribblings/alexis-util.scrbl") (lib "alexis/private/test/struct.rkt") (lib "alexis/scribblings/alexis-util-typed.scrbl") (lib "alexis/bool.rkt") (lib "alexis/scribblings/alexis-util-extras.scrbl") (lib "alexis/util/threading.rkt") (lib "alexis/util/wrap.rkt") (lib "alexis/util/comparator.rkt"))) (name . "alexis-util") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("typed-racket"))) 00: Resolved "match-plus" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog 00: Resolved "static-rename" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "threading" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "327e26d80304d26d2930619541cd5f765aa422f9") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("rackunit-lib") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "match-plus/scribblings/match-plus.scrbl") (lib "match-plus/main.rkt"))) (name . "match-plus") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "a123d17cc013be0f8aedf27c1c29e4937c80c46d") (dependencies . (("static-rename-doc") ("static-rename-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ()) (name . "static-rename") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "d0614a8d16dfd39f7f6f1503768f4f5861006d5e") (dependencies . (("threading-doc") ("threading-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ()) (name . "threading") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) 00: Resolved "static-rename-doc" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "static-rename-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "eda84099b6af208ce41d6d37215c25360afe0023") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("static-rename-lib"))) (description . "documentation (no implementation) for “static-rename”") (modules . ((lib "scribblings/static-rename/main.scrbl"))) (name . "static-rename-doc") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "5142db3104a6f919f4ed7f695b331071b2561465") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.2"))) (description . "implementation (no documentation) for “static-rename”") (modules . ((lib "static-rename/main.rkt"))) (name . "static-rename-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) 00: Resolved "threading-doc" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "threading-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "9a59757575c2c8adb73d305e98843f308b4e22ea") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("threading-lib"))) (description . "documentation (no implementation) for “threading”") (modules . ((lib "scribblings/threading.scrbl"))) (name . "threading-doc") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "c8edee286a7a715b3aa2d35355b378447819ede6") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.3"))) (description . "implementation (no documentation) for “threading”") (modules . ((lib "threading/main.rkt"))) (name . "threading-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "threading-doc" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "threading-doc") "9a59757575c2c8adb73d305e98843f308b4e22ea" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "threading-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "threading-lib") "c8edee286a7a715b3aa2d35355b378447819ede6" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "semver" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "semver") "5ce1baa9f5393d6c9552697f93d7a574d9469d06" #f) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "alexis-util" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "alexis-util") "c2e4fbfe15c74573dc3445bd13a65d41e439ed09" #t) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "match-plus" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "match-plus") "327e26d80304d26d2930619541cd5f765aa422f9" #t "match-plus") pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "static-rename" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "static-rename") "a123d17cc013be0f8aedf27c1c29e4937c80c46d" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "static-rename-doc" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "static-rename-doc") "eda84099b6af208ce41d6d37215c25360afe0023" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "static-rename-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "static-rename-lib") "5142db3104a6f919f4ed7f695b331071b2561465" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "threading" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "threading") "d0614a8d16dfd39f7f6f1503768f4f5861006d5e" #t) The following uninstalled packages were listed as dependencies and they were automatically installed: dependencies of semver: alexis-util dependencies of alexis-util: match-plus static-rename threading dependencies of static-rename: static-rename-doc static-rename-lib dependencies of threading: threading-doc threading-lib raco setup: version: 8.13 raco setup: platform: x86_64-linux-natipkg [cs] raco setup: target machine: any raco setup: cross-installation: yes raco setup: installation name: 8.13 raco setup: variants: cs raco setup: main collects: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: collects paths: raco setup: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/8.13/collects raco setup: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: main pkgs: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: pkgs paths: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs raco setup: links files: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/links.rktd raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/links.rktd raco setup: compiled-file roots: raco setup: /home/root//zo raco setup: same raco setup: main docs: /home/root/racket/doc raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables --- [4:47:35] raco setup: updating: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/8.13/share/info-cache.rktd raco setup: --- pre-installing collections --- [4:47:35] raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries --- [4:47:35] raco setup: --- installing shared files --- [4:47:35] raco setup: --- compiling collections --- [4:47:35] raco setup: --- parallel build using 2 jobs --- [4:47:35] raco setup: 1 making: /alexis-util/alexis raco setup: 0 making: /alexis-util/typed/alexis raco setup: 0 making: /alexis-util/typed/alexis/util raco setup: 0 making: /match-plus raco setup: 0 making: /semver/semver raco setup: 1 making: /alexis-util/alexis/private/test raco setup: 1 making: /alexis-util/alexis/util raco setup: 0 making: /static-rename-doc/scribblings raco setup: 1 making: /static-rename-lib/static-rename raco setup: 1 making: /threading-doc/scribblings raco setup: 0 making: /threading-lib/threading raco setup: --- creating launchers --- [4:47:38] raco setup: --- installing man pages --- [4:47:38] raco setup: --- building documentation --- [4:47:38] raco setup: syncing: /alexis-util/alexis/doc/alexis-util raco setup: syncing: /match-plus/doc/match-plus raco setup: syncing: /semver/semver/doc/semver raco setup: syncing: /static-rename-doc/scribblings/doc/static-rename raco setup: syncing: /threading-doc/scribblings/doc/threading raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: 1 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: 1 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: 1 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: 0 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: 0 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: 1 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: --- installing collections --- [4:47:44] raco setup: --- post-installing collections --- [4:47:44] raco test: 0 "/home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/info.rkt" raco test: 1 "/home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/semver/info.rkt" raco test: 0 (submod "/home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/semver/main.rkt" test) raco test: 1 "/home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/semver/scribblings/semver.scrbl" 16 /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/semver/main.rkt 0 /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/info.rkt 0 /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/semver/info.rkt 0 /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.13/pkgs/semver/semver/scribblings/semver.scrbl 16 tests passed The time is now Thursday, May 16th, 2024 12:47:45am