The time is now Monday, November 4th, 2024 5:24:45am (/usr/bin/env PLTUSERHOME=/home/root//user PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE=1 CI=true PLT_INFO_ALLOW_VARS=;PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE PLTCOMPILEDROOTS=/home/root//zo: DISPLAY=:1 PLTSTDOUT=debug@pkg info@GC:major /bin/sh -c cd "/home/root/"/racket && bin/racket -MCR "/home/root/"/zo: -l- raco pkg install --jobs 2 -u --auto turn-based-game) Resolved "turn-based-game" via file:///home/root//catalogs/archive/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "ec8b958f687bdd397314e264ba39a54039e81bae") (dependencies . (("base") ("agile") ("collections-lib") ("htdp-lib") ("rackunit-lib") ("scribble-lib") ("racket-doc") ("htdp-doc") ("collections-doc"))) (description . "interfaces and tools for defining and playing turn-based games") (modules . ((lib "turn-based-game/controller/computer-player-gui-controller.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/demo/connect-four.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/examples/tic-tac-toe-gui.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/demo/tic-tac-toe.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/turn-based-game.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/examples/checkers-gui.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/turn-based-game-gui.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/scribblings/turn-based-game.scrbl") (lib "turn-based-game/computer-player/score-explore-random.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/computer-player/n-ahead.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/controller/human-player-gui-controller.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/examples/connect-four-gui.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/computer-player.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/examples/tic-tac-toe.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/examples/connect-four.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/demo/checkers.rkt") (lib "turn-based-game/examples/checkers.rkt"))) (name . "turn-based-game") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/archive/pkgs/") (tags . ("games"))) 00: Resolved "agile" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog 00: Resolved "collections-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "collections-doc" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "b3287179e55825ff98bb0fda837228886757e0d9") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "#lang agile ;; == (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))") (modules . ((lib "agile/scribblings/agile.scrbl") (lib "agile/main.rkt") (lib "agile/lang/reader.rkt"))) (name . "agile") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("agile"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "0556600ee5d7275c1942a24180a128052d28e278") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.3") ("curly-fn-lib") ("functional-lib" #:version "0.3.1") ("match-plus") ("static-rename") ("unstable-list-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "data/collection/match.rkt") (lib "data/collection/collection.rkt") (lib "data/collection/sequence.rkt") (lib "data/collection/experimental/quasi.rkt") (lib "data/collection/indexable.rkt") (lib "data/collection/private/util.rkt") (lib "data/collection/contract.rkt") (lib "data/collection/countable.rkt") (lib "data/collection/private/random-access.rkt") (lib "data/collection.rkt"))) (name . "collections-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "1f05509c792f67fe829a48926b7e0f5b91e687b7") (dependencies . (("base") ("collections-lib") ("functional-doc") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "scribblings/data/collection/collection/examples.scrbl") (lib "scribblings/data/collection/collections.scrbl") (lib "scribblings/data/collection/private/utils.rkt") (lib "scribblings/data/collection/collection/experimental.scrbl") (lib "scribblings/data/collection/collection/reference.scrbl") (lib "scribblings/data/collection/collection/introduction.scrbl"))) (name . "collections-doc") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) 00: Resolved "curly-fn-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog 00: Resolved "functional-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog 01: Resolved "match-plus" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog 01: Resolved "static-rename" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "unstable-list-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "ba7ae0127d5239f99384cdbce8866e1f435c4867") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.3") ("namespaced-transformer-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "curly-fn/lang/language-info.rkt") (lib "curly-fn/main.rkt") (lib "curly-fn/lang/reader.rkt") (lib "curly-fn/private/curly-fn-transformer.rkt") (lib "curly-fn/private/make-extension-reader.rkt") (lib "curly-fn/lang/runtime-config.rkt"))) (name . "curly-fn-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "1b38179772ff5b07dc02473ebada9c91f2f58855") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.3") ("collections-lib" #:version "1.3") ("curly-fn-lib") ("static-rename-lib"))) (description . "implementation (no documentation) for “functional”") (modules . ((lib "data/functor.rkt") (lib "data/either.rkt") (lib "data/maybe.rkt") (lib "data/monad.rkt") (lib "data/applicative.rkt"))) (name . "functional-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("functional"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "c26ba147efa6a89865e963b333217f6be61e698f") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("rackunit-lib") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "match-plus/scribblings/match-plus.scrbl") (lib "match-plus/main.rkt"))) (name . "match-plus") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "bc7277f624a359329775119a52dfb078d4954ecd") (dependencies . (("static-rename-doc") ("static-rename-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ()) (name . "static-rename") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "639b495204c5d1e7c712a8f4559bd2f86d2ec852") (dependencies . (("base") ("class-iop-lib"))) (description . "Experimental libraries for list operations") (modules . ((lib "unstable/class-iop.rkt") (lib "unstable/list.rkt") (lib "unstable/hash.rkt") (lib "unstable/function.rkt") (lib "unstable/bytes.rkt"))) (name . "unstable-list-lib") (ring . 0) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("unstable"))) Resolved "namespaced-transformer-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "7c0233f19c17ba86a9ba836092aa6800426df19c") (dependencies . (("base"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "namespaced-transformer/main.rkt") (lib "namespaced-transformer/info-key.rkt"))) (name . "namespaced-transformer-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) Resolved "static-rename-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "6d5c650999ff723621b57f08fa7dce3ecd7bae6c") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.2"))) (description . "implementation (no documentation) for “static-rename”") (modules . ((lib "static-rename/main.rkt"))) (name . "static-rename-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) Resolved "static-rename-doc" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "7b3974373c5f97e2ed8745896ed2cadc2879d2cb") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("static-rename-lib"))) (description . "documentation (no implementation) for “static-rename”") (modules . ((lib "scribblings/static-rename/main.scrbl"))) (name . "static-rename-doc") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) Resolved "functional-doc" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "6440c0ad9a08cc48595a8de77c38bdd6576cf164") (dependencies . (("base") ("collections-doc") ("collections-lib") ("functional-lib") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "documentation (no implementation) for “functional”") (modules . ((lib "scribblings/data/functional.scrbl"))) (name . "functional-doc") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("functional"))) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "functional-doc" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "functional-doc") "6440c0ad9a08cc48595a8de77c38bdd6576cf164" #t) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "turn-based-game" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "turn-based-game") "ec8b958f687bdd397314e264ba39a54039e81bae" #f "turn-based-game") pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "agile" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "agile") "b3287179e55825ff98bb0fda837228886757e0d9" #t "agile") pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "collections-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "collections-lib") "0556600ee5d7275c1942a24180a128052d28e278" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "curly-fn-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "curly-fn-lib") "ba7ae0127d5239f99384cdbce8866e1f435c4867" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "namespaced-transformer-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "namespaced-transformer-lib") "7c0233f19c17ba86a9ba836092aa6800426df19c" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "functional-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "functional-lib") "1b38179772ff5b07dc02473ebada9c91f2f58855" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "static-rename-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "static-rename-lib") "6d5c650999ff723621b57f08fa7dce3ecd7bae6c" #t) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "match-plus" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "match-plus") "c26ba147efa6a89865e963b333217f6be61e698f" #t "match-plus") pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "static-rename" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "static-rename") "bc7277f624a359329775119a52dfb078d4954ecd" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "static-rename-doc" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "static-rename-doc") "7b3974373c5f97e2ed8745896ed2cadc2879d2cb" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "unstable-list-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "unstable-list-lib") "639b495204c5d1e7c712a8f4559bd2f86d2ec852" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "collections-doc" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "collections-doc") "1f05509c792f67fe829a48926b7e0f5b91e687b7" #t) The following uninstalled packages were listed as dependencies and they were automatically installed: dependencies of turn-based-game: agile collections-lib collections-doc dependencies of collections-lib: curly-fn-lib functional-lib match-plus static-rename unstable-list-lib dependencies of curly-fn-lib: namespaced-transformer-lib dependencies of functional-lib: static-rename-lib dependencies of static-rename: static-rename-doc dependencies of collections-doc: functional-doc raco setup: version: 8.15 raco setup: platform: x86_64-linux-natipkg [cs] raco setup: target machine: any raco setup: cross-installation: yes raco setup: installation name: 8.15 raco setup: variants: cs raco setup: main collects: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: collects paths: raco setup: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/8.15/collects raco setup: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: main pkgs: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: pkgs paths: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.15/pkgs raco setup: links files: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/links.rktd raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.15/links.rktd raco setup: compiled-file roots: raco setup: /home/root//zo raco setup: same raco setup: main docs: /home/root/racket/doc raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables --- [5:24:48] raco setup: updating: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/8.15/share/info-cache.rktd raco setup: --- pre-installing collections --- [5:24:48] raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries --- [5:24:48] raco setup: --- installing shared files --- [5:24:48] raco setup: --- compiling collections --- [5:24:48] raco setup: --- parallel build using 2 jobs --- [5:24:48] raco setup: 1 making: /agile raco setup: 0 making: /collections-doc/scribblings raco setup: 1 making: /agile/lang raco setup: 1 making: /collections-lib/data raco setup: 1 making: /collections-lib/data/collection raco setup: 1 making: /collections-lib/data/collection/experimental raco setup: 1 making: /collections-lib/data/collection/private raco setup: 1 making: /curly-fn-lib/curly-fn raco setup: 1 making: /curly-fn-lib/curly-fn/lang raco setup: 1 making: /curly-fn-lib/curly-fn/private raco setup: 1 making: /functional-doc/scribblings raco setup: 0 making: /collections-doc/scribblings/data/collection/private raco setup: 0 making: /functional-lib/data raco setup: 0 making: /match-plus raco setup: 0 making: /namespaced-transformer-lib/namespaced-transformer raco setup: 1 making: /static-rename-doc/scribblings raco setup: 0 making: /static-rename-lib/static-rename raco setup: 0 making: /turn-based-game raco setup: 1 making: /unstable-list-lib/unstable raco setup: 0 making: /turn-based-game/examples raco setup: --- creating launchers --- [5:24:55] raco setup: --- installing man pages --- [5:24:55] raco setup: --- building documentation --- [5:24:55] raco setup: syncing: /agile/doc/agile raco setup: syncing: /collections-doc/scribblings/doc/collections raco setup: syncing: /functional-doc/scribblings/doc/functional raco setup: syncing: /match-plus/doc/match-plus raco setup: syncing: /static-rename-doc/scribblings/doc/static-rename raco setup: 1 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: 1 running: /turn-based-game/scribblings/turn-based-game.scrbl WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(1 2) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(2 2) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(1 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(2 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(2 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(3 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(2 2) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(3 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) raco setup: 1 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: 0 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: 1 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: 0 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: 1 rendering: /turn-based-game/scribblings/turn-based-game.scrbl WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(1 2) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(2 2) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(1 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(2 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(2 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(3 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part ""); values: (vector '() '(part "") '(2 2) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) (vector '() '(part "") '(3 3) (list (mobile-root #) #"index.html") #f) raco setup: --- installing collections --- [5:25:01] raco setup: --- post-installing collections --- [5:25:01] GC: 0:atexit peak 418,358K(+164,165K); alloc 10,264,837K; major 7; minor 549; 4443ms The time is now Monday, November 4th, 2024 5:25:01am