The time is now Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 8:39:47pm (/usr/bin/env PLTUSERHOME=/home/root//user PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE=1 CI=true PLTSTDERR=debug@pkg error PLT_INFO_ALLOW_VARS=;PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE PLTCOMPILEDROOTS=/home/root//zo: /bin/sh -c cd "/home/root/"/racket && bin/racket -MCR "/home/root/"/zo: -l- raco pkg install --jobs 4 -u --auto trie) Resolved "trie" via file:///home/root//catalogs/archive/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "cfc81a8611ec9502bb29af2d4bfb68b1f71f23b5") (dependencies . (("base") ("handy") ("struct-plus-plus") ("scribble-lib") ("racket-doc") ("rackunit-lib") ("sandbox-lib") ("handy"))) (description . "Implements compact storage for nested data with overlapping elements, such as paths in a file tree.") (modules . ((lib "trie/tests/test_main.rkt") (lib "trie/scribblings/trie.scrbl") (lib "trie/main.rkt"))) (name . "trie") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/archive/pkgs/") (tags . ("data-structures" "trie"))) 00: Resolved "handy" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "struct-plus-plus" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "9d92aeb21b580ed8ae5313d07f0e0fcc8dce41a2") (dependencies . (("html-parsing") ("base") ("db-lib") ("rackunit-lib") ("sxml") ("at-exp-lib"))) (description . "Utility functions that are missing from Racket -- e.g. 'say' (variadic displayln), 'multi-partition' (partition into more than two lists), better exception creation / trapping, database management, etc") (modules . ((lib "handy/test-more.rkt") (lib "handy/deprecated/list-utils.rkt") (lib "handy/HTML-Element.rkt") (lib "handy/scribblings/list-utils.scrbl") (lib "handy/struct.rkt") (lib "handy/net.rkt") (lib "handy/sql.rkt") (lib "handy/hash.rkt") (lib "handy/list-utils.rkt") (lib "handy/exceptions.rkt") (lib "handy/web.rkt") (lib "handy/files/compression.rkt") (lib "handy/HTML-TreeBuilder.rkt") (lib "handy/try.rkt") (lib "handy/json.rkt") (lib "handy/utils.rkt") (lib "handy/fsmonitor.rkt") (lib "handy/thread.rkt") (lib "handy/main.rkt") (lib "handy/db.rkt"))) (name . "handy") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("database" "exceptions" "utility" "web"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "0c057ee4d9a697b56388eaa060bc4bda42e1122e") (dependencies . (("base") ("handy") ("syntax-classes-lib") ("try-catch") ("at-exp-lib") ("racket-doc") ("sandbox-lib") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "Extended form of struct. Generates keyword constructors, functional setters and updaters. Allows per-field default values, contracts, wrapper functions, and declarative-syntax rules for interfield relations and transformations.") (modules . ((lib "struct-plus-plus/tests/test_make_functional_setter.rkt") (lib "struct-plus-plus/reflection.rkt") (lib "struct-plus-plus/make_functional_setter.rkt") (lib "struct-plus-plus/scribblings/struct-plus-plus.scrbl") (lib "struct-plus-plus/main.rkt") (lib "struct-plus-plus/tests/test_main.rkt"))) (name . "struct-plus-plus") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("struct"))) 00: Resolved "html-parsing" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "sxml" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "a95e7c08e19e7d88cee116f4cd980862ae5aba0f") (dependencies . (("base") ("mcfly") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("overeasy"))) (description . "Permissive Parsing of HTML to SXML") (modules . ((lib "html-parsing/html-parsing.scrbl") (lib "html-parsing/main.rkt"))) (name . "html-parsing") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("html" "sxml" "web"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "c47fb02da19317a88d85c48b6312a2d3f50aa1e2") (dependencies . (("base") ("srfi-lib") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "SXML family of tools (including SXPath)") (modules . ((lib "sxml/xpath-parser.rkt") (lib "sxml/lazy-ssax.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/myenv.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/ssax.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/util.rkt") (lib "sxml/ddo-txpath.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/sxml-rep.scrbl") (lib "sxml/scribblings/sxpath.scrbl") (lib "sxml/sxpath.rkt") (lib "sxml/sxpath-ext.rkt") (lib "sxml/tests/tests.rkt") (lib "sxml/sxml-tools.rkt") (lib "sxml/main.rkt") (lib "sxml/xpath-ast.rkt") (lib "sxml/tests/ssax-tests.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/sax-parsing.scrbl") (lib "sxml/scribblings/sxml.scrbl") (lib "sxml/txpath.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/xlink-parser.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/util.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/multi-parser.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/sxslt.scrbl") (lib "sxml/ssax/ssax-prim.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/input-parse.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/errors-and-warnings.rkt") (lib "sxml/xpath-context_xlink.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/id.rkt") (lib "sxml/modif.rkt") (lib "sxml/serializer.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/sxpathlib.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/SSAX-code.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/all-exported.scrbl") (lib "sxml/ddo-axes.rkt") (lib "sxml/tests/vSXML-to-HTML.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/SXML-tree-trans.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/extracted-sperber.scrbl") (lib "sxml/scribblings/extract-provides.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/access-remote.rkt") (lib "sxml/tests/vSXML-tree-trans.rkt") (lib "sxml/lazy-xpath.rkt") (lib "sxml/ssax/parse-error.rkt") (lib "sxml/scribblings/serialization.scrbl"))) (name . "sxml") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("sxml" "web" "xml"))) 00: Resolved "mcfly" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "overeasy" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "a54370c6072002eace2027bc27bbf01fd7e2810d") (dependencies . (("at-exp-lib") ("base") ("scribble-lib") ("racket-doc"))) (description . "Embedded Package Documentation Runtime") (modules . ((lib "mcfly/test-mcfly-spec.rkt") (lib "mcfly/mcfly-spec.rkt") (lib "mcfly/mcfly-misc.rkt") (lib "mcfly/main.rkt") (lib "mcfly/mcfly-expand.rkt") (lib "mcfly/doc.rkt") (lib "mcfly/mcfly-parse.rkt") (lib "mcfly/mcfly-scribble.rkt") (lib "mcfly/mcfly.scrbl") (lib "mcfly/mcfly-format.rkt"))) (name . "mcfly") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("documentation"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "142c86fad7f253aade6863b25ba20609a17b9ea9") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("mcfly"))) (description . "Racket Language Test Engine") (modules . ((lib "overeasy/main.rkt") (lib "overeasy/overeasy.rkt") (lib "overeasy/test-overeasy.rkt") (lib "overeasy/overeasy.scrbl"))) (name . "overeasy") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("testing"))) 00: Resolved "syntax-classes-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "try-catch" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "bee112e3c0598b858b69369fbc77eeffd87c0ce2") (dependencies . (("base" #:version ""))) (description . "implementation (no documentation) for “syntax-classes”") (modules . ((lib "syntax/parse/class/struct-id.rkt") (lib "syntax/parse/class/local-value.rkt") (lib "syntax/parse/class/paren-shape.rkt"))) (name . "syntax-classes-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("syntax"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "162d492903ed1575c9065f230e1494d9ef61c98d") (dependencies . (("base") ("syntax-classes-lib") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib") ("rackunit-lib") ("sandbox-lib"))) (description . "Exception handling (with-handlers) and flow control guarantees (dynamic-wind) with code shared between the dynamic-wind clauses and a final cleanup phase.") (modules . ((lib "try-catch/main.rkt") (lib "try-catch/scribblings/try-catch.scrbl"))) (name . "try-catch") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("exceptions"))) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "syntax-classes-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "syntax-classes-lib") "bee112e3c0598b858b69369fbc77eeffd87c0ce2" #t) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "try-catch" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "try-catch") "162d492903ed1575c9065f230e1494d9ef61c98d" #t "try-catch") pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "trie" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "trie") "cfc81a8611ec9502bb29af2d4bfb68b1f71f23b5" #f "trie") pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "handy" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "handy") "9d92aeb21b580ed8ae5313d07f0e0fcc8dce41a2" #t "handy") pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "html-parsing" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "html-parsing") "a95e7c08e19e7d88cee116f4cd980862ae5aba0f" #t "html-parsing") pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "mcfly" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "mcfly") "a54370c6072002eace2027bc27bbf01fd7e2810d" #t "mcfly") pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "overeasy" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "overeasy") "142c86fad7f253aade6863b25ba20609a17b9ea9" #t "overeasy") pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "sxml" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "sxml") "c47fb02da19317a88d85c48b6312a2d3f50aa1e2" #t) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "struct-plus-plus" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "struct-plus-plus") "0c057ee4d9a697b56388eaa060bc4bda42e1122e" #t "struct-plus-plus") The following uninstalled packages were listed as dependencies and they were automatically installed: dependencies of trie: handy struct-plus-plus handy dependencies of handy: html-parsing sxml dependencies of html-parsing: mcfly overeasy dependencies of struct-plus-plus: syntax-classes-lib try-catch raco setup: version: 8.12 raco setup: platform: x86_64-linux-natipkg [cs] raco setup: target machine: any raco setup: cross-installation: yes raco setup: installation name: 8.12 raco setup: variants: cs raco setup: main collects: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: collects paths: raco setup: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/8.12/collects raco setup: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: main pkgs: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: pkgs paths: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.12/pkgs raco setup: links files: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/links.rktd raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/8.12/links.rktd raco setup: compiled-file roots: raco setup: /home/root//zo raco setup: same raco setup: main docs: /home/root/racket/doc raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables --- [1:39:50] raco setup: updating: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/8.12/share/info-cache.rktd raco setup: --- pre-installing collections --- [1:39:50] raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries --- [1:39:50] raco setup: --- installing shared files --- [1:39:50] raco setup: --- compiling collections --- [1:39:50] raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 jobs --- [1:39:50] raco setup: 3 making: /handy raco setup: 2 making: /html-parsing (html-parsing) raco setup: 1 making: /mcfly (McFly Runtime) raco setup: 0 making: /overeasy (Overeasy) raco setup: 1 making: /struct-plus-plus raco setup: 0 making: /sxml/sxml (sxml) raco setup: 1 making: /struct-plus-plus/scribblings raco setup: 1 making: /struct-plus-plus/tests raco setup: 2 making: /syntax-classes-lib/syntax raco setup: 2 making: /syntax-classes-lib/syntax/parse raco setup: 2 making: /syntax-classes-lib/syntax/parse/class raco setup: 2 making: /trie raco setup: 0 making: /sxml/sxml/scribblings raco setup: 2 making: /trie/scribblings raco setup: 1 making: /try-catch raco setup: 1 making: /try-catch/scribblings raco setup: 3 making: /handy/deprecated raco setup: 3 making: /handy/files raco setup: 3 making: /handy/scribblings raco setup: 3 making: /handy/t raco setup: 3 making: /handy/t/data raco setup: 3 making: /handy/t/data/20160802_Latest_EDGAR_Filings raco setup: 3 making: /handy/t/data/bar raco setup: 0 making: /sxml/sxml/ssax (ssax) raco setup: 2 making: /trie/tests raco setup: --- creating launchers --- [1:39:55] raco setup: --- installing man pages --- [1:39:55] raco setup: --- building documentation --- [1:39:55] raco setup: syncing: /html-parsing/doc/html-parsing raco setup: syncing: /mcfly/doc/mcfly raco setup: syncing: /overeasy/doc/overeasy raco setup: syncing: /struct-plus-plus/doc/struct-plus-plus raco setup: syncing: /sxml/sxml/doc/sxml raco setup: syncing: /try-catch/doc/try-catch raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: 0 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: 3 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: 2 running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: 0 running: /trie/scribblings/trie.scrbl raco setup: WARNING: undefined tag in /trie/scribblings/trie.scrbl: raco setup: ((lib "trie/main.rkt") trie-unroll) raco setup: 3 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: 2 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: 1 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: 0 rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: 2 rendering: /trie/scribblings/trie.scrbl raco setup: --- installing collections --- [1:40:04] raco setup: --- post-installing collections --- [1:40:04] The time is now Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 8:40:04pm