On this page:
7.1 about styles
7.2 cell/  row/  col range
7.3 set-row-range-height
7.4 set-col-range-width
7.5 set-freeze-row-col-range
7.6 set-merge-cell-range
7.7 about color
7.8 set-cell-range-border-style
7.9 set-font-style
7.10 set-alignment-style
7.11 set-number-style
7.12 set-date-style
7.13 set-fill-style

7 Set Styles🔗ℹ

add styles to sheets.

7.1 about styles🔗ℹ

1. styles only can be setted in one sheet, need be in a with-data-sheet-*’s scope.

2. you can set cell range, row range, col range styles.

3. if you have overlap styles, the overlap area’s style will be piled up.

7.2 cell/row/col range🔗ℹ

cell range: "A1-B3".

row range: "1-3", start from 1.

col range: "A-C" or "1-3", start from 1.

7.3 set-row-range-height🔗ℹ

set-row-range-height (-> string? natural? void?)

arg1: row range.

arg2: row height.

7.4 set-col-range-width🔗ℹ

set-col-range-width (-> string? natural? void?)

arg1: col range.

arg2: col width.


(set-col-range-width "A-C" 30)
(set-row-range-height "1-2" 40)

7.5 set-freeze-row-col-range🔗ℹ

set-freeze-row-col-range (-> natural? natural? void?)

freeze rows and cols.

arg1: rows count.

arg2: cols count.

(set-freeze-row-col-range 2 2)

7.6 set-merge-cell-range🔗ℹ

set-merge-cell-range (-> cell-range? void?)
cell-range?: as "A1-C3" or "A1:C3"

set merge cell ranges.(multiple times)

(set-merge-cell-range "A1-C3")
(set-merge-cell-range "D5-F7")
(set-merge-cell-range "G8-I10")

7.7 about color🔗ℹ

you can set rgb color, like: FF0000.

1. RGB use upcase, not support lower case string.

2. Not support theme color yet, only support standard color. If sheet software set theme color, write back will lost color information.

7.8 set-cell-range-border-style🔗ℹ

set-cell-range-border-style (-> string? border-direction? rgb? border-mode? void?)
set-row-range-border-style (-> string? border-direction? rgb? border-mode? void?)
set-col-range-border-style (-> string? border-direction? rgb? border-mode? void?)

arg1: cell/row/col range.

arg2: border-direction?, one of ’("all" "side" "top" "bottom" "left" "right"). the side direction means only set the cell range’s out border.

arg3: rgb?, rgb color as "0000FF".

arg4: border-mode?, one of ’("" "thin" "dashed" "double" "thick")

(set-cell-range-border-style "B2-F6" "all" "FF0000" "thick")
(set-cell-range-border-style "B8-F12" "left" "FF0000" "thick")
(set-cell-range-border-style "H2-L6" "right" "FF0000" "dashed")
(set-cell-range-border-style "H8-L12" "top" "FF0000" "double")
(set-cell-range-border-style "N2-R6" "bottom" "FF0000" "thick")
(set-cell-range-border-style "N8-R12" "side" "FF0000" "thick")

7.9 set-font-style🔗ℹ

set-cell-range-font-style (-> string? natural? string? rgb? void?)
set-row-range-font-style (-> string? natural? string? rgb? void?)
set-col-range-font-style (-> string? natural? string? rgb? void?)

arg1: cell/row/col range.

arg2: font size.

arg3: font name, as "Arial".

arg4: font color, rgb color, as "0000FF".

(set-cell-range-font-style "A1-C1" 12 "Arial" "000000")
(set-cell-range-font-style "A2-C2" 16 "Monospace" "900000")
(set-cell-range-font-style "A3-C3" 20 "Sans" "990000")

7.10 set-alignment-style🔗ℹ

set-cell-range-alignment-style (-> string? horizontal_mode? vertical_mode? void?)
set-row-range-alignment-style (-> string? horizontal_mode? vertical_mode? void?)
set-col-range-alignment-style (-> string? horizontal_mode? vertical_mode? void?)

arg1: cell/row/col range.

arg2: horizontal_mode?, one of ’("left" "right" "center")

arg3: vertical_mode?, one of ’("top" "bottom" "center")

(set-cell-range-alignment-style "A1-E5" "center" "center")
(set-cell-range-border-style "A1-E5" "side" "FF0000" "thick")
(set-cell-range-alignment-style "G1-K5" "left" "top")
(set-cell-range-border-style "G1-K5" "side" "FF0000" "thick")
(set-cell-range-alignment-style "M1-Q5" "right" "bottom")
(set-cell-range-border-style "M1-Q5" "side" "FF0000" "thick")
(set-row-range-height "1-5" 30)

7.11 set-number-style🔗ℹ

set-cell-range-number-style (-> string? string? void?)
set-row-range-number-style (-> string? string? void?)
set-col-range-number-style (-> string? string? void?)

arg1: cell/row/col range.

arg2: number style as "0.00" "0,000.00" "0.00%" etc.

(set-cell-range-number-style "A1-C1" "0.00")
(set-cell-range-number-style "A2-C2" "0.000")
(set-cell-range-number-style "A3-C3" "0,000.00%")
(set-col-range-width "A-C" 30)
(set-row-range-height "1-3" 50)

7.12 set-date-style🔗ℹ

set-cell-range-date-style (-> string? string? void?)
set-row-range-date-style (-> string? string? void?)
set-col-range-date-style (-> string? string? void?)

arg1: cell/row/col range.

arg2: date style, as "yyyy/mm/dd", "yyyy-mm-dd", "yyyymmdd" etc.

      (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 17 9 2018 #f))
      (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 17 9 2018 #f))
      (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 17 9 2018 #f)))))
(set-cell-range-date-style "A1" "yyyy-mm-dd")
(set-cell-range-date-style "B1" "yyyy/mm/dd")
(set-cell-range-date-style "C1" "yyyymmdd")
(set-col-range-width "A-C" 20)
(set-row-range-height "1-3" 20)

7.13 set-fill-style🔗ℹ

set-cell-range-fill-style (-> string? rgb? fill-pattern? void?)
set-row-range-fill-style (-> string? rgb? fill-pattern? void?)
set-col-range-fill-style (-> string? rgb? fill-pattern? void?)

arg1: cell/row/col range.

arg2: rgb color as "0000FF".

arg3: fill pattern, one of
'("solid" "gray125" "darkGray" "mediumGray" "lightGray"
"gray0625" "darkHorizontal" "darkVertical" "darkDown" "darkUp"
"darkGrid" "darkTrellis" "lightHorizontal" "lightVertical" "lightDown"
"lightUp" "lightGrid" "lightTrellis")

(set-cell-range-fill-style "B2-F6" "FF0000" "solid")
(set-cell-range-fill-style "H2-L6" "0000FF" "gray125")
(set-cell-range-fill-style "N2-R6" "00FF00" "darkDown")