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 (require typed/measures-with-dimensions)
 (require measures-with-dimensions)
  package: measures-with-dimensions

source code: https://github.com/AlexKnauth/measures-with-dimensions

This module provides structs to represent measures, units, and dimensions, and functions and macros to manipulate these.

It was originally inspired by https://github.com/Metaxal/measures, but is more based on the concept of dimensions, and it also has types for typed/racket.

    1 Operations, Types, and Structs

      1.1 Operations

        1.1.1 Operations on Measures

        1.1.2 Operations on Units and Dimensions

      1.2 Types and Structs

    2 Units and Dimensions

      2.1 SI prefixes

      2.2 Dimensionless Units

      2.3 Mass Units

      2.4 Length Units

      2.5 Time Units

      2.6 Charge Units

      2.7 Absolute-Temperature Units

      2.8 Area Units

      2.9 Volume Units

      2.10 Density Units

      2.11 Velocity and Speed Units

      2.12 Acceleration Units

      2.13 Force Units

      2.14 Momentum

      2.15 Energy, Work, and Torque Units

      2.16 Power Units

      2.17 Pressure Units

      2.18 Entropy, Heat Capacity, and Specific Heat

      2.19 Electric Field

      2.20 Voltage, Emf, and Electric Potential Units

      2.21 Capacitance Units

      2.22 Current and Current-Density Units

      2.23 Resistance, Resistivity, and Conductivity Units

      2.24 Magnetic Field Units

      2.25 Inductance Units

    3 Physical Constants

    4 Temperatures

    5 Short Names

      5.1 SI

      5.2 US

    6 Chemistry

      6.1 Elements

      6.2 Compounds

      6.3 Molar Mass