The Function Design Recipe
1 Data Definition
2 Interface Definition
2.1 Signature
2.2 Purpose Statement
2.3 Header
3 Examples
4 Implementation Template
5 Implementation
6 Testing

The Function Design Recipe🔗

This document is the Function Design Recipe from the textbook How to Design Programs. The design recipe is a list of steps to follow when creating a new function. Following this recipe will make it easier to solve programming problems and, crucially, easier to explain your solutions to other programmers when asking them for help.

Whenever you’re stuck on a programming problem and not sure what to do or why your code isn’t working, try following this recipe before asking for help. Some of the steps include writing down comments in your code explaining what you’re trying to do. That makes it far easier for other programmers to help you. And as you get better at following this recipe, you might just find yourself solving difficult problems on your own more and more often.

To those programmers trying to help others, share this design recipe with them. When someone asks you for help writing a function, ask them to try to follow this design recipe and tell you what step they’re stuck on. Note that you can click the section titles to get links to specific sections. Use that feature to help guide others through any steps they’re struggling with. Remember to be kind: everyone either underestimates or forgets how much effort it takes to learn how to design programs.

1 Data Definition🔗

Before doing anything else, you should define what data you’re working with. To do this, think about what kinds of information are relevant to your function. Decide how to represent this information with ordinary Racket values like numbers, strings, and lists. Then write your decision down in code. For simple data definitions, a comment or two can suffice:

; A temperature is a number. There are two kinds of temperatures:
; degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.

For more complex data definitions, you might create a struct (or several structs) using define-struct to group data together into logical units. In these cases, use comments to explain what the struct is and what its components mean. For example, a function for solving a geometry problem may need a data definition like this:

; A point is a pair of two numbers: an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate.
(define-struct point (x y) #:transparent)

Always make your structs transparent when they’re used to group together data in this fashion. The ability to make non-transparent structs (called opaque structs) is meant for hiding the struct’s data from other code, which is typically not useful for structs that just group data together. In a better world, Racket’s structs would be transparent by default.

2 Interface Definition🔗

The interface of your function is everything that describes what your function does, but not how it does it. This includes the name of the function, the names and datatypes of its parameters, the type of data the function returns, and any comments describing what the function does or how to use it. These collectively give the reader all the information they need to call the function. In the code below, the interface of the fahrenheit-to-celsius function is everything except for the ellipses:

; Temperature -> Temperature
; Converts a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)

Interfaces have three main pieces: a signature, a purpose statement, and a header. Write down all three pieces when designing a new function, preferably in that order. The individual pieces are described in more detail below.

2.1 Signature🔗

The signature is the most important part of your function. It describes what types of data your function takes as inputs and returns as output. In simple untyped Racket, a signature takes the form of a comment with an arrow symbol (->) in it. The types of the function’s parameters are written on the left of the arrow and the type of the function’s returned output is written on the right of the arrow. The fahrenheit-to-celsius example above has this signature:

; Temperature -> Temperature

That signature indicates that the function takes a single temperature as an input and returns a single temperature as an output. And from the data definition we defined earlier, we know that a temperature is just a number. So the function takes a number and returns a number.

As another example, a function that takes three points describing a triangle and returns the area of that triangle might have a signature like this:

; Point Point Point -> Number

In "real world" Racket, signatures are often written as contracts instead of comments. In Typed Racket, signatures are written with type annotations. These are all different flavors of signatures and they come with different tools to check that the signatures are correct and that each function is used properly according to its signature.

2.2 Purpose Statement🔗

The purpose statement is a comment that describes what the function does in plain English (or Spanish, Russian, Chinese, etc.). The purpose statement should be a short summary that omits details about how the function does what it does. In the fahrenheit-to-celsius example above, the purpose statement is:

; Converts a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

Notice how the purpose statement does not describe the formula for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius. It doesn’t say "subtracts 32 from the input and then multiplies it by 5/9." Those are answers to "how does it work?" A purpose statement answers "what does it do?" If you are unsure what to write for a purpose statement, ask yourself "what does the function compute?" Then write down the shortest possible answer to that question.

2.3 Header🔗

The header is a simple definition of the function with an unfinished implementation that does as little as possible. The goal of the header is to define the function’s name and the name of its parameters in code, as contrasted with the signature and purpose statement which define the function in text. The header is written with define, followed by the function’s name and the names of its parameters, then finally a trivial value such as 0, #false, or the empty list is used. Choose the trivial value that matches the type of output your function is meant to return. Refer to your function’s signature if you’ve forgotten what that type is; you should have written the return type down to the right of the arrow in the signature. For our fahrenheit-to-celsius function, the following is a suitable header:

(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)

Once you’ve written a signature, purpose statement, and header, you should be able to run your code (by clicking the Run button in DrRacket) without producing any errors. This is a big milestone: your function may not do anything useful yet, but it does exist and you have clearly stated what it’s supposed to do. Please complete these steps at a minimum before asking for help! It’s incredibly difficult for other programmers to help you fix your code if they don’t know what you’re intending your code to do. Finishing these steps will save a lot of time as other programmers won’t have to ask you dozens of questions to try and understand what you’re trying to do.

3 Examples🔗

Putting together the previous sections, here’s what we have so far:

; A temperature is a number. There are two kinds of temperatures:
; degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.
; Temperature -> Temperature
; Converts a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)

We have clearly stated what our function is supposed to do. However, we have mearly written down descriptions and names. As in all cases of explanation, it is best to include examples. To do so, write down a comment showing what the correct output of the function is for an example input (or inputs, if the function has multiple parameters). For example, here’s how we would explain that an input temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit should return an output temperature of 30 degrees Celsius:

; A temperature is a number. There are two kinds of temperatures:
; degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.
; Temperature -> Temperature
; Converts a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
; given: 86, expect: 30
(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)

Examples are extremely effective in helping others understand your code. Words describing what a function does can be vague and ambiguous, but examples are explicit and precise.

4 Implementation Template🔗

In this step, we — finally — shift our attention to the body of the function. However, going from the trivial function body we wrote in the header step to a fully working implementation is a bit of an owl-drawing exercise. To break this process down, first we will write a template.

A template is a partial snippet of code following some common pattern based on the types of the inputs to a function and its output. In the case of our fahrenheit-to-celsius function, we know three things about our input and output:

From this, we might write the following function body using a template for calling the needed math functions on fahrenheit:

(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)
  (... - ... * ... fahreneit ...))

When writing templates, use ... to fill in for code we aren’t sure about yet. So far we know we probably need to use the - or * functions to do some math, and we need to pass fahrenheit as input to those functions. The rest is up in the air, but now we have a starting point.

Templates tend to be more useful the more complex the input data is. For example, a common template when writing functions that process lists is to use cond and empty? to check if the list is empty, and do something with the first element of the list and the rest of the list if it’s not. If we were trying to write a function that doubles every number in a list, using that template for lists might give us a definition like the following:

; A list of numbers, spelled ListOfNumbers, is a collection of some quantity
; of numbers. A list may be empty. If a list is not empty, it has a first
; number and a smaller list containing the rest of the numbers.
; ListOfNumbers -> ListOfNumbers
; Doubles every number in a list
; given: (list 1 2 3), expect: (list 2 4 6)
(define (double-each-number numbers)
    [(empty? numbers) ...]
     (... (first numbers) ... (rest numbers) ...)]))

5 Implementation🔗

In this step, we fill in the rest of the function’s implementation. The template from the previous step should use ellipses (the ... symbol) to identify what pieces need to be filled in. Go through the template’s ellipses one at a time and decide what code to fill in. For our fahrenheit-to-celsius function, we had the following implementation template:

(... - ... * ... fahreneit ...)

The formula for converting a fahrenheit temperature F to celsius is (F - 32) * 5/9. Notice the subtraction is nested inside parentheses: that means that it should also be nested in our template. The outermost operation is multiplication, so it should go in the outermost layer of our function body.

(* (- fahrenheit ...) ...)

Now we fill in the constant 32 for the subtraction.

(* (- fahrenheit 32) ...)

And fill in 5/9 for the multiplication.

(* (- fahrenheit 32) 5/9)

We have now implemented our function! The result of our work looks like this:

; A temperature is a number. There are two kinds of temperatures:
; degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.
; Temperature -> Temperature
; Converts a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
; given: 86, expect: 30
(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)
  (* (- fahrenheit 32) 5/9))

We’re not done yet however. We may have implemented our function, but now we must test it.

6 Testing🔗

The final step in the function design recipe is testing the function to be sure it works. There are two approaches to testing functions: manual testing and automated testing. Manual testing is simpler, but requires more work and is more prone to errors.

To manually test your function, click the Run button in DrRacket. Then, in the Interactions Window, call your function with the examples you wrote down in the Examples step of the design recipe. Here’s an example of how manually testing fahrenheit-to-celsius would look:

> (fahrenheit-to-celsius 86)


An automated test of your function is similar to a manual test, except instead of manually calling your function in the Interactions Window each time you want to test your function, you write a test case that will automatically test your function each time you press Run. This is called unit testing, and each test case is called a unit test. There are many different ways to write unit tests. The most common way in Racket code is using the rackunit test framework. To use RackUnit, write a test submodule below your function like so:

(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)
  (* (- fahrenheit 32) 5/9))
(module+ test
  (require rackunit)

The test submodule is where we’ll place our tests. We’ll use check-equal? to test that calling our function with 86 produces the expected result of 32:

(define (fahrenheit-to-celsius fahrenheit)
  (* (- fahrenheit 32) 5/9))
(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (check-equal? (fahrenheit-to-celsius 86) 32))

Now, whenever you press Run in DrRacket, your test will run automatically. This is very useful when trying to change old code or when working together with other programmers on code, as it ensures you don’t accidentally break something without realizing it.