On this page:
2.1 Command Line Arguments
2.2 Command Messages
2.3 Published Messages

2 tesira-driver: Networked Audio Mixer🔗ℹ

This driver was written to control the Biamp Tesira devices. These devices act as a fully programmable network-capable audio mixers.

Since capabilities of these devices are really wide, the driver is not able to cover them all and instead focuses on a single key area. Volume and mute control on a central matrix mixer.

2.1 Command Line Arguments🔗ℹ

Apart from these flags, the tesira-driver command expects an address of the device to connect to via its telnet interface and name of the mixer element to control. For example:

  tesira-driver --identity audio Mixer2

Would connect to the device, scan the Mixer2 object and assume the audio identity.

2.2 Command Messages🔗ℹ

2.3 Published Messages🔗ℹ