On this page:
$dig:  no-artifact
shovel/  c
16.1 Memory Shovels
make-memory-shovel/  pkgdef
16.2 Filesystem Shovels
make-filesystem-shovel/  pkgdef
16.3 HTTP Client Shovels
16.3.1 Caveats for HTTP Shovels

16 Digs🔗ℹ

 (require denxi/dig) package: denxi

The digsite metaphor says that one uses a shovel to dig for artifacts. Despite putting the same amount of effort into each scoop, what the shovel encounters may change. This metaphor helps explain non-deterministic attempts to find a resource.

In Racket, a shovel is a shovel/c procedure and a dig is underway when such a procedure has program control.

The digsite metaphor implies some level of repeated effort (digging) towards uncertain results. For example, the built-in shovels for denxi/dig/filesystem resolve symbolic links as a way to “scoop” towards a possibly non-existent file. In a similar scenario, a server hosting data may respond differently to the same request, or issue redirects a shovel may follow.


(struct $dig $message ())

A message regarding the results of a dig.


(struct $dig:no-artifact $dig (shovel-name hint))

  shovel-name : (or/c string? symbol?)
  hint : any/c
Represents a failure to find an artifact using a shovel identified by shovel-name. The hint is eq? to the argument used for the shovel.

A chaperone contract for procedures that carry out digs. They must return subprograms to capture possible messages for failure conditions.


(install-found-artifact hint 
  (subprogram/c (cons/c path-record? path-record?))
  hint : any/c
  link-path : path-string?
  shovel : shovel/c = (current-shovel)
Returns a subprogram equivalent to (install-artifact A link-path), where A is (find-artifact hint shovel).

CLI Flags: +l/++install-link/--DENXI_INSTALL_ARTIFACTS
Like DENXI_INSTALL_SOURCES, except each list only needs two strings:

  1. The path of a symbolic link to create with respect to (current-directory).

  2. A string S, such that (current-shovel S) returns an artifact.


(find-artifact hint [shovel])  (subprogram/c artifact?)

  hint : any/c
  shovel : shovel/c = (current-shovel)
Returns a subprogram used to find an artifact with the given shovel.

If hint is already an artifact, then it will be returned as-is. Otherwise, the result depends on the implementation of the shovel.

This procedure controls how non-artifact values used in package-input-plinth become artifacts.

The default value is broken-shovel.

A shovel that cannot dig. It unconditionally fails and adds a $dig:no-artifact to the subprogram log.


(dig-failure shovel-name hint)  subprogram?

  shovel-name : (or/c string? symbol?)
  hint : any/c
Returns a subprogram that unconditionally fails, adding ($dig:no-artifact shovel-name hint) to the subprogram log.


(shovel-cons first second)  shovel/c

  first : shovel/c
  second : shovel/c
Returns a shovel that tries using the first shovel, then the second if the first fails to produce an artifact.


(shovel-list shovel ...)  shovel/c

  shovel : shovel/c
Returns a shovel that tries each of the provided shovels in order, implicitly ending with broken-shovel.

16.1 Memory Shovels🔗ℹ

 (require denxi/dig/memory) package: denxi


(make-memory-shovel contents)  shovel/c

  contents : (hash/c any/c artifact?)
Returns a shovel that behaves similarly to (curry hash-ref contents). If the returned procedure cannot find an artifact in contents for some key, then it will behave like (broken-shovel key).

(define dig (make-memory-shovel (hash 'a (artifact (text-source "hello")))))
(dig 'a) ; OK
(dig 'b) ; Fails


(make-memory-shovel/pkgdef contents    
  defaults)  shovel/c
  contents : hash?
  defaults : package-query-defaults-implementation/c
Returns a shovel that searches contents for artifacts using package queries.

contents is a nested hash table keyed first by provider names, then package names, then edition names, then both revision names and numbers as shown.

(define providers contents)
(define packages (hash-ref providers "example.com"))
(define editions (hash-ref packages "rpg"))
(define revisions (hash-ref editions "directors-cut"))
(artifact? (hash-ref revisions 0))
(artifact? (hash-ref revisions 28))
(artifact? (hash-ref revisions (hash-ref revisions "re-release")))

As indicated by the last line, each hash table may map keys to other keys in the same table.


(hash-ref providers (hash-ref providers "alias.example.com"))

The shovel will recursively resolve keys in this way until it encounters a value of a type not used as a key, in observance of the digsite metaphor. If the search yields cyclic keys, this function will not terminate.

Package queries are autocompleted using defaults, and converted to canonical form with respect to a canon based on the hash table’s shape.


(define dig
    (hash "default" "jon"
          "jon" (hash "calculator"
                      (hash "scientific"
                            (hash 0 (artifact #"...")
                                  8 (artifact #"...")
                                  "initial" 0
                                  "beta" 8))))))
(dig ":calculator:scientific:initial:beta")

16.2 Filesystem Shovels🔗ℹ

 (require denxi/dig/filesystem) package: denxi

You can bind shovels to filesystem directories. In observance of the digsite metaphor, the shovels defined herein always follow symbolic links.


(make-digest-file-path path chf)  path?

  path : path-string?
  chf : symbol?
Returns (~a path "." chf)

Used as a conventional location for unencoded digests for whatever is located at path.


(make-signature-file-path path)  path?

  path : path-string?
Returns (~a path ".sig")

Use as a conventional location for unencoded signatures.


(make-filesystem-shovel directory-path    
  public-key-source)  shovel/c
  directory-path : complete-path?
  chf : symbol?
  public-key-source : source-variant?
Returns a procedure S, which attempts to produce artifacts from files in directory-path. For an application (S relative-path), the below invariants must hold to produce an artifact. If any invariant is not met, then (S relative-path) is equivalent to (broken-shovel relative-path).

For example, assume /tmp/example exists as a file in a Unix-like system for a Denxi process to read. From here you can bind a dig procedure to /tmp like so.

(define S (make-filesystem-shovel "/tmp" 'md5 public-key-source))

From here, (S "example") will produce an artifact based on the existing file.

(artifact (file-source (string->path "/tmp/example")) #f #f)

If a file does not exist, then S behaves like broken-shovel. Note that S is non-deterministic, and may begin returning artifacts depending on the state of the directory at the time.

We specified 'md5 as an example CHF. To add integrity information for /tmp/example, create a /tmp/example.md5. It must hold the unencoded bytes of the digest produced from the contents of /tmp/example. If you do this, then (dig "example") will produce this enhanced artifact.

  (file-source (string->path "/tmp/example"))
  (integrity 'md5
              (file-source (string->path "/tmp/example.md5")))

Formally, integrity information appears in the artifact when (build-path directory-path (~a relative-path "." chf)) exists as a readable file.

Singature information may appear in another adjacent file. The complete directory listing should now appear as follows:




/tmp/example.md5.sig must hold the unencoded bytes for a signature produced from the digest’s contents. That is, for /tmp/example.md5.

In this scenario, (dig "example") will produce a complete artifact.

 (file-source (string->path "/tmp/example"))
 (integrity 'md5
            (file-source (string->path "/tmp/example.md5")))
 (signature public-key-source
            (file-source (string->path "/tmp/example.md5.sig"))))

Formally, signature information appears in the artifact when (build-path directory-path (~a relative-path "." chf ".sig")) exists as a readable file.


(make-filesystem-shovel/pkgdef directory-path    
  [defaults])  shovel/c
  directory-path : complete-path?
  chf : symbol?
  defaults : package-query-defaults-implementation/c
   = default-package-query-defaults
Like make-filesystem-shovel, but specialized for files containing package definitions.

For a given provider P, package name K, edition E, revision name A, and revision number N, the following invariants must hold for the files in directory-path.

In terms of the above, here is a valid directory structure for a catalog.


├── alice

   ├── default -> renderer

   ├── public-key

   ├── raw-input

      └── default

          ├── 0

          ├── 0.sha3-384

          ├── 0.sha3-384.sig

          ├── 1

          ├── 1.sha3-384

          ├── 1.sha3-384.sig

          ├── 5

          ├── 5.sha3-384

          ├── 5.sha3-384.sig

          ├── open-beta -> 5

          └── xbox-controller-support -> 1

   └── renderer

       ├── default -> vulkan

       ├── directx

          ├── 0

          ├── 0.sha3-384

          └── 0.sha3-384.sig

       └── vulkan

           ├── 0

           ├── 0.sha3-384

           ├── 0.sha3-384.sig

           └── default -> 0

├── default -> alice

└── john

    ├── calculator

       ├── default

          ├── 0

          ├── 0.sha3-384

          ├── 0.sha3-384.sig

          ├── 1

          ├── 1.sha3-384

          ├── 1.sha3-384.sig

          ├── 2

          ├── 2.sha3-384

          ├── 2.sha3-384.sig

          ├── initial -> 0

          └── post-feedback -> 2

       └── scientific

           ├── 0

           ├── 0.sha3-384

           ├── 0.sha3-384.sig

           ├── 1

           ├── 1.sha3-384

           ├── 1.sha3-384.sig

           └── zero-day-patch -> 1

    ├── calendar

       ├── chinese

          ├── 0

          ├── 0.sha3-384

          └── 0.sha3-384.sig

       └── gregorian

           ├── 0

           ├── 0.sha3-384

           └── 0.sha3-384.sig

    └── public-key

In this example, the providers are Alice, a video game developer, and John, an office application developer.

There is a gap in revision numbers in Alice’s raw-input package. This is fine, because it reflects the possibility of missing information. The catalog will return the latest available match for queries like alice:raw-input:::open-beta.

Finally, each directory may contain a symlink named after a string one could use in a package query. You can leverage this to support getting the latest available version using queries like alice:raw-input.

16.3 HTTP Client Shovels🔗ℹ

 (require denxi/dig/http) package: denxi


(make-http-shovel base-url    
  optional-pubkey])  shovel/c
  base-url : url-variant?
  optional-chf : (or/c #f symbol?) = #f
  optional-pubkey : (or/c #f source-variant?) = #f
Returns a shovel used to find artifacts anticipating an HTTP server’s response (See Caveats for HTTP Shovels).

The shovel accepts a url-variant? value as an argument. If a different value type is provided, the shovel behaves like broken-shovel. Otherwise, the shovel will create an artifact with http-source components w.r.t. base-url. Path and query string elements from the argument are appended to base-url’s respective fields. This implies that duplicate query string keys are allowed.

Invariant: All http-sources in created artifacts must yield the raw, unencoded bytes of the requested resource. This implies that HTTP response headers must include Content-Type: application/octet-stream.

If optional-chf is #f, then an output artifact will always lack both integrity information and signature information. Otherwise, the artifact will contain integrity information using the given CHF, along with a corresponding (~a "." optional-chf) extension to the last path element of the URL used to fetch the digest.

If optional-pubkey is #f, then an output artifact will always lack signature information. Otherwise, the artifact will contain signature information with optional-pubkey as the public key’s source, along with a corresponding (~a "." optional-chf ".sig") extension to the last path element of the URL used to fetch the signature.

Examples follow. Arguments to http-source are shown as URL strings for brevity. The actual output will include instances of url.

Given a shovel with no additional expectations...

(define dig (make-http-shovel "https://example.com"))

...both (dig "/some-file") and (dig (string->url "/some-file")) will produce

(artifact (http-source "https://example.com/some-file") #f #f)

Given a shovel with all expectations...

(define dig
        (make-http-shovel "https://example.com"
                          (http-source "https://example.com/public.pem")))

...both (dig "/some-file") and (dig (string->url "/some-file")) will produce

(artifact (http-source "https://example.com/some-file")
          (integrity 'sha3-384
                     (http-source "https://example.com/some-file.sha3-384"))
          (signature (http-source "https://example.com/public.pem")
                     (http-source "https://example.com/some-file.sha3-384.sig")))
16.3.1 Caveats for HTTP Shovels🔗ℹ

Due to the volume of possible network conditions and API definitions for servers, denxi/dig/http provides no mechanisms for checking artifact availability, and no package query canon for package queries. Therefore, make-http-shovel will return artifacts that may produce no content when they are actually used. make-http-shovel only offers reasonable, minimal defaults for downloading compatible artifacts that follow the same naming conventions as make-filesystem-shovel.

If you want a client to check resource availability in advance of artifacts, you will need to implement your own HTTP shovel. If you want an HTTP server to work with make-http-shovel, you can simply serve the files from a directory suitable for make-filesystem-shovel. This will add an invariant where the shovel and the server must agree in advance about what files are available, which you can represent as arguments to make-http-shovel.

Those implementing services will also need to consider the relationship of package queries to artifacts representing package definitions, and implement a package query canon to allow that transition. All of the related machinery for distributing artifacts over the network can be delivered to clients in a launcher, which warrants additional scrutiny since launchers have all privileges of the process’ user.