3 Starting Image Requirements🔗ℹ

The build-pkgs function expects a Docker image or VirtualBox machine with just Linux installed. The installation can be minimal, but CA certificates and timezone information are recommended. (Even though network access in the virtual machine should be disabled, basic configuration is helpful to some libraries.)

Some Racket packages may try to use a C compiler or run tests that need an GUI context (i.e., an X11 server). To support those packages, consider including gcc and having an X11 server set up. If you are interested in distinguishing packages that have minimal system dependencies from those that require more, build-pkgs allows you to specify “full” and “minimal” starting variants.

See the "examples/docker/pkg-build-deps" and "examples/docker/pkg-build-deps-min" directories of the "pkg-build" package source for "Dockerfile"s that create suitable starting images.