On this page:
M2 All-Styles Document, Title in “H2”

M2 All-Styles Document, Title in “H2”🔗ℹ

and Jill

All of this content is within “maincolumn”, then “main”.

→ The version on the top left of this page is in “versionbox” and then either span “versionNoNav” (no navigation bar, as for single-page rendering) or “version” (with navigation bar, as for multi-page rendering).

→ The author on the top left of this page is in “SAuthorListBox”, then “SAuthorList”, and then a span “author”, where <br/> separates multiple authors.

← The table-of-contents panels are both in a table “tocset”:

This note is in “refpara”, then “refcolumn”, then “refcontent”.

This note is in “refparaleft”, then “refcolumnleft”, then “refcontent”.

Table of contents uses “toptoclink” for the top layer, and “toclink” for nested levels:

    1 Section in “H3”

      1.1 Subsection in “H4”

        1.1.1 Subsubsection in “H5”

      1.2 Second Subsection in “H4”

    2 Suppressed ToC Panel

      2.1 Subsection

      2.2 Another Subsection

    3 Non-Section On-This-Page Links

    4 Element Styles

    5 Block Styles

    6 Enumerations

    7 Paragraph Spacing

    8 Navigation Bars


This note is in “refelem”, then “refcolumn”, then “refcontent”. This note is in “refelemleft”, then “refcolumnleft”, then “refcontent”.