8 Navigation Bars🔗ℹ

For multi-page rendering, this page will have a navigation bar at the top and bottom. The bars are within “maincolumn” and “main”.

The tap bar is in “navsettop”, and the bottom one is in “navsetbottom”. Within those divs, “navsetleft” wraps content to be left-aligned and “navsetright” wraps content to be right-aligned.

Links that are disabled (such as a next-page link on the last page) are each in a span “nonavigation”.

When a search box is included, then it is in “searchform” and then “searchbox”. If no search box is included, then a “nosearchform” div is used.

Finally, and not part of the nagivation bar, the bottom nagivation bar is followed by a div with the name “contextindicator”. JavaScript code attached to the page copies the ctxtname query argument, if any, to the div and makes it visible.